There are a lot of difference between Malaysia durian and Thailand durian, which is mainly caused by the different methods of harvesting and different geographical terrain advantages. In Malaysia, durians are only harvested when the fruit is fully ripe and dropped onto to ground. With this method, durians collected are ripe and have a soft flesh texture on the pulp.
Meanwhile in Thailand, the durians are always harvested before they are fully ripe. To do so, they hand pluck the durians straight from the trees directly. Hence, the Thailand durians will have a crunchier and raw flesh texture on the pulp.
Smell and aroma
Thailand durians are not fully ripe when harvested. Hence, the smell of the Thai durians is not so strong as it was at the point of having mild aroma or almost none existing. Whereas Malaysia durians are fully ripe when harvested, the durian itself has already undergoing fermenting process on its own to produce strong and iconic aroma.
Taste and texture
As mentioned above, Thai durian are not fully ripe when harvested, the pulp itself is harder and crunchier compared to the fully ripe Malaysian durian. Also, Thai durians has lighter taste compared to Malaysian Durians. Malaysia Durians in the other hand, it has a softer and tender flesh that taste a lot heavier than Thai durians. The taste is described as bitter with some sweetness or milky with a taste of old brewing compared to Thai durian’s crunchy and not so sweet.